Dialogue with Packers
DyDo DRINCO works to assure product safety and improve quality in conjunction with subcontracting affiliates.
Quality Assurance Meetings

DyDo DRINCO holds an annual quality assurance meeting for affiliates to encourage all plants to raise quality levels. Through holding discussions on improving quality, we are strengthening relationships based on trust with affiliates.
Topics addressed at quality assurance meetings
- -Report on results of quality assurance audits
- -Case studies of issues encountered during the year, their causes and measures taken
- -Presentations of measures taken to improve quality by affiliate plant managers

Mr.Sumio Komatsu
General Manager,
Quality Assurance Department,
Nihon Canpack Co., Ltd.
Nihon Canpack Co., Ltd. engages in quality activities on a daily basis with the goal of producing the highest quality in Japan. We aim to produce high-quality products to satisfy customers and work diligently to meet those expectations. We carry out annual quality assurance audits to reconfirm and share our quality control data, raising mutual awareness toward quality, which leads to making better products. We are grateful for our long-lasting partnership with DyDo DRINCO and are confident in the relationship of trust that we have built.