DyDo Group Holdings


Contribution to local community

What is The Community Support Fund?

The DyDo Group considers the enrichment of the local community our obligation as we engage positively with people and the environment. We therefore established the Community Support Fund for the purpose of carrying out ongoing activities to support local communities. The fund is not an interim assistance measure, but is designed to assist with medium- to long-term support activities by appropriating monies irrespective of the company's performance in a single fiscal year.
Focused around the three concepts of "regional revitalization," "nurturing youth," and "unique DyDo activities," the Community Support Fund provides backing for the support projects outlined below.

Donating Beverages to the Japanese School in London

In October 2021, DyDo DRINCO UK donated DyDo Group’s beverages to the Japanese School in London.

This was the first donation of its kind that DyDo DRINCO UK made as part of its contribution to the local community, in cooperation with the International Business Management Department of the DyDo Group. This donation was made possible after DyDo DRINCO UK reached out to the School, which is located near its office, and the School showed their support for the DyDo Group’s sustainability philosophy. This activity is expected to help increase the recognition of the Group among the local Japanese community.

On the day of the donation, employees from DyDo DRINCO UK and DyDo DRINCO TURKEY visited the School to coincide with the school festival commemorating the 45th anniversary of the School’s founding. DyDo DRINCO UK original tote bags containing a “Saka” mineral water bottle produced in Turkey and DyDo DRINCO soft drinks being sold in Japan were presented to representative students at the closing ceremony.

In addition to donating 350 tote bags containing beverages, DyDo DRINCO UK has decided to accept students from the School for work experience in January 2022.

Taking this as an opportunity, the Group will further strengthen its efforts to contribute to the local community.

  • Gift bags containing DyDo DRINCO beverages were handed out to students at the closing ceremony of the school festival.

    Gift bags containing DyDo DRINCO beverages were handed out to students at the closing ceremony of the school festival.

  • DyDo DRINCO UK’s original tote bag containing beverages donated this time

    DyDo DRINCO UK’s original tote bag containing beverages donated this time

Economic Support Activities
Support for children victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Support for children victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Since 2012 DyDo Group has been donating to the Hatachi Fund to provide ongoing support to children living in disaster-hit areas so as to furnish them with an education and support their journey toward becoming independent adults.

Planning and Execution of the Vending Machine Experience Workshops

Hands-on classes are conducted at each sales office of DyDo Group on the topic of vending machines for children around the concept of contributing to youth education and the local community, and building interest and appreciation for vending machines as an important part of social infrastructure. A broad program includes learning about the history of vending machines through a picture-story show, and hands-on loading to resupply a vending machine.

Planning and Execution of the Vending Machine Experience Workshops

We have received letters of joy and appreciation from the children who have taken part in these classes.

Providing Papercraft Vending Machine Kits

DyDo Group wishes to vending machines, a core asset of ours, to contribute to society. To this end we produce papercraft vending machine kits that encourage children around Japan to express themselves. We have provided these kits around Japan since FY2015.
We have received photos filled with children's smiling faces and the highly original designs they conceive, from the organizations and families to whom we send these kits.

  • Chiyomi Kuwano
    Fukui Prefectural Okuetsu School for Special Needs Education
    The children have decorated the paper with their own designs, look inside to see how vending machines work, and continue to enjoy pressing the buttons and seeing what comes out.
  • Yayoi Miyachi
    Learning Support Volunteer Matsu-no-Kai
    Even parents and guardians were entranced when assembling these kits.
    Working together with their children laughter abounded, while the kids also took it very seriously, sharing advice with their peers.
  • Kenji Terashima
    Boy Scouts Ebina No.3 Troop
    Everyone expressed great interest, working hard to finish before the adults. There was great excitement that the door opened just like a real vending machine and drinks were dispensed when the buttons were pushed.
  • Masaki Kuribayashi
    Educational Foundation Singakukai
    It was a tricky task for the children to build their vending machines, but they had fun affixing stickers and folding the paper. They also made their own money from cardboard and had an enjoyable time playing with the kits.
Introducing a Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing
Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing

After hearing from a number of organizations that our papercraft vending machine kits had proved useful for teaching and practicing how to use a vending machine, since FY2016, we have included a new learning support sheet that aims to provide easy and fun assistance so that children can learn how to make a purchase from a vending machine.

Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing

Support Sheet Use Example
  • Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing

    "How much does it cost?"

  • Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing

    "Carefully insert the right coins."

  • Learning Support Sheet for Drinks Purchasing

    "Press the right button to buy a drink!"

Ms.Hiroko Kawai Collabo School Onagawakan NPO Katariba
Ms.Hiroko Kawai
Collabo School Onagawakan
NPO Katariba

I carried out a special class together with parents/guardians to construct the papercraft vending machine kits. The children were very keen, with students who finished ahead of the class stopping to help out their friends. Through play with the completed vending machines, the children could learn how to count their money and buy something, and the way that vending machines work. I am truly thankful for this precious opportunity.

Protecting Local Children with Our Resupply Route Vehicles
Protecting Local Children with Our Resupply Route Vehicles

At DyDo DRINCO, we leverage the characteristics of our region-based sales activities and participate in initiatives to protect local children in certain areas. Specifically, we provide a safe place for children at risk of crime, and contact the police or family on their behalf. Resupply route vehicles that offer this refuge display a sticker so that children can identify them at a glance. Our vehicles provide a reassuring presence in the community, and further secure a place for DyDo DRINCO in the hearts of customers and communities.

Dance Class Support in the Tohoku Region

Based on our theme of support for "building ties" within the Tohoku region, which was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have been conducting the "Dance Education"—Tohoku Dance Project since 2012.

"Dance Education"―Tohoku Dance Project

With a lack of opportunities for children in disaster-stricken areas to exercise and the addition of dance classes as a compulsory part of school education, we launched this project in October 2012 to brighten these children's lives through dance.
Based on the cooperation of the Nippon Street Dance Studio Association, in the first year, dance workshops for teaching staff were held in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures, with dance classes carried out at roughly 30 kindergartens and elementary schools.
Proving highly popular with children and school staff alike, this initiative has been rolled out and expanded to about 45 schools annually.

  • Nishigo Municipal Yone Elementary School, Fukushima Prefecture Nishigo Municipal Yone Elementary School, Fukushima Prefecture
  • Morioka Municipal Higashimatsuzono Elementary School, Iwate Prefecture Morioka Municipal Higashimatsuzono Elementary School, Iwate Prefecture
  • Kawasaki Municipal Tomioka Elementary School, Miyagi Prefecture校 Kawasaki Municipal Tomioka Elementary School, Miyagi Prefecture
Dance classes in action
Sendai Municipal Tsurugaya Junior High School, Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Municipal Tsurugaya Junior High School, Miyagi Prefecture
Fukushima Municipal Kanayagawa Elementary School, Fukushima Prefecture Fukushima Municipal Kanayagawa Elementary School, Fukushima Prefecture
Feedback from children and teachers who participated in dance classes

We have received much positive feedback from the schools at which we have conducted classes. Here we give a sample of the sincere comments from children and messages of appreciation from teachers.

1st-year elementary school student

I was happy to learn how to dance. It was tricky, but I can dance well now.

4th-year elementary school student

It was my first time to dance, but the more I danced, the more fun it got, and by the end my body was moving all on its own.

5th-year elementary school student

I enjoyed learning all the different dance moves. I was a bit reticent about it but now I want to dance again.

Participating teacher

The children had fun dancing to stimulating rhythms and movements different to what they are used to. I also learned a lot from the teaching methods used by the professional instructor.

Participating teacher

Thanks to the skilled teaching methods of the instructor, even children who didn't really get into it at first were more than happy by the end. I plan on using the instructor's coaching methods in the future.

Feedback from children who participated in dance classes
Ms.Shuko Igarashi Nippon Street Dance Studio Association Dance Instructor for the Dance Education—Tohoku Dance Project
Ms.Shuko Igarashi
Dance Instructor for the "Dance Education"—Tohoku Dance Project
Nippon Street Dance Studio Association

I am a "Dance Education" instructor and in that capacity I have shared a lot of meaningful time with children and many others in Tohoku. I feel rewarded when, wherever I go, people say to me with a big smile, "Dance is so much fun!" I feel that the more chances people have to spend time dancing together and enjoying themselves, the brighter everyone's outlook will be throughout the Tohoku region. I wish to continue doing my best in these activities to make people smile and help them to be healthy.

The DyDo Group “Matsuri” of Japan

The DyDo Group “Matsuri” of JapanThe DyDo Group delivers delicious and healthy products to our customers in partnership with various stakeholders in the fields of domestic beverages, pharmaceuticals, and food, and also in overseas business fields.
For instance, our domestic beverage business, which makes up approximately 70% of the Group’s gross sales, is built on trust-based relationships with local communities and our other stakeholders throughout the entire business process, from the manufacturing of beverages, the delivery of products, the installation of vending machines, and the restocking of vending machines, to recycling.
Our gratitude for this serves as important values in the DyDo Group’s business. We also believe that our sustainable business growth originates in the continued liveliness of local communities.

The DyDo Group “Matsuri” of Japan project (matsuri: festival) was launched in 2003 under the DyDo Group’s corporate philosophy of “Creating happiness and prosperity, together with people and with society. To achieve this goal, the DyDo Group will continue to embrace new challenges in a dynamic way.”
We started this project with the hope of making local people happy, helping them live richer lives, and assisting in strengthening their ties and invigorating local communities, through long-cherished traditional festivals around the country. Our support efforts reached their 22nd year in 2024.

Festivals not only reflect local cultures and histories but also support the future of local communities.
Invigorating festivals energizes local communities and, by extension, Japan as a whole.
With the hope of passing on traditional Japanese culture to future generations, the DyDo Group will continue to contribute to the revitalization of communities hand-in-hand with local people and governments.

Right beside the soul of Japan

Overview of the DyDo Group “Matsuri” of Japan project
Activities to communicate the attractiveness of festivals
Activities to collaborate with and support local communities
① TV program

[By prefecture]
Local broadcasting stations individually produce an episode of a documentary TV series under the theme of their local festival. Each episode, which is broadcast locally, introduces the activities of those involved in the festival, and the history and culture of the relevant district so as to deepen understanding of and empathy with the district.

[Nationwide rebroadcast on a BS channel]
Carefully selected local episodes are rebroadcast nationwide to communicate the attractiveness of the festivals and districts to people all over Japan.

* At the beginning of January every year, information about the festivals to be broadcast in the year, including highlights, time and place, is covered by newspapers (only in the Kinki region).
② Websites
The websites of DyDo Group Holdings and DyDo DRINCO introduce various information, including an overview and the significance of this project, the festivals we support this year, and the festivals we supported in the past.
① Collaboration with local communities
(Local governments, companies, schools and broadcasting stations)

With our “Matsuri” of Japan project activities as a springboard, we plan and implement events helpful in promoting tourism, youth development, and revitalizing communities, in collaboration with local communities and governments.

Furthermore, in cooperation with local broadcasting stations, we take vigorous measures to inform the public about the festivals and the related districts.

② Interactions and discussions with those involved in festivals
We furnish opportunities to talk directly with those involved about their proud local festivals. Through discussions about the challenges for local communities and the activities in this project, we work toward strengthening partnerships with local communities.
Collaboration: NPO (nonprofit organization) Nippon Matsuri Network
* The NPO Nippon Matsuri Network is a nonprofit organization established for festival research and dissemination of related information. Our collaboration with this organization allows us to enrich our social perspectives and carry out our activities from diverse viewpoints.