Efforts toward greater customer satisfaction
Voluntary Declaration to Promote a Consumer-Oriented Corporate Culture
In agreement with the “Consumer-Oriented Management” policy promoted by the Consumer Affairs Agency, DyDo DRINCO has formulated its own “Voluntary Declaration to Promote a Consumer-Oriented Corporate Culture” as an approach to realize these aims.
“Consumer-oriented management” positions business activities conducted with an awareness of a company’s social responsibility as one of the pillars in building a sustainable and desirable society. As a management practice to improve social values through co-creation and collaboration with consumers, we believe that consumer-oriented management is closely related to the SDGs, a global initiative, and is in line with our group philosophy.
Creating the Ideal Flavors That Customers Want and the Delicious Taste That They Expect

Product planning and development at DyDo DRINCO begins with repeated hypotheses and verifications while considering what types of beverages customers really want to drink. Based on our investigations, we seek potential needs that exist in consumers which they may not be aware of. With this approach, we carry out comprehensive trial-and-error experimentation with ingredients, blend ratios and production methods that will help us achieve optimal flavors. This is how we provide fully developed, complete products to customers. In addition, we focus on package design as an important way to appeal to target customers. Optimal materials, sizes and shapes are selected from among numerous packaging options to create a design that expresses the individual characteristics of the product as well as a brand image. This is all in an effort to create something that customers want to pick up and try.

Katsuhiko Konishi,
Marketing Department,
We plan and develop coffee products in terms of content and design based on extensive consumer research.
As developers, we do not rely solely on our own views, but are constantly seeking out the opinions of customers and we place high value on them during product development. Furthermore, after releasing a new product we conduct regular surveys to determine how well the product's contents and design are being received by customers. The honest opinions of customers that result from such research aid us in improving our level of development.
Moving forward, we remain committed as always to taking on new challenges and creating wonderful surprises for customers through making products that are unique in our industry.
Realizing a Lineup of Products That Gets Closer to Our Customers
DyDo DRINCO vending machines are a friendly presence in our customers' lives, offering them truly great tastes with convenience and at an affordable price. Our vending machines are installed in a wide variety of locations, ranging from train stations, to commercial districts, industrial plants, and schools. Sales trends for each machine vary according to respective customer age and gender demographics. At DyDo DRINCO, based on past sales data gathered by vending machines, we categorize machines into groups exhibiting similar sales trends, and deploy product lineups suited to the characteristics of those groups. In this way, we realize a product selection better suited to needs.
Furthermore, we leverage sales data to develop new products and services, striving to deliver joy and wonder to our customers.

Analyzing Customer Preferences and Emotions through Line of Sight

DyDo DRINCO has introduced a new marketing analysis approach with the aim of providing more products that customers want: “eye tracking technology,” which measures and analyzes eye movement in order to determine what the consumer is looking at and how they look at it. By using eye tracking technology together with investigations of vending machine purchase behaviors and interviews, we gather a wide range of results on unconscious movements, emotions and deciding factors during purchase behavior. In addition to product planning, development and product placement in vending machines, we utilize this information to optimize promotion and sales of products.
Product Development to Inspire Wonder and Joy

Taking on the challenges of the present era, Tarami aims to inspire wonder and joy based on a philosophy of bringing the natural healthiness of fruits to people in tasty, easy-to-consume products.
Our idea is to use fruit and jelly in subtle combinations that offer more delicious flavors. However good-tasting a fruit may be, it cannot simply be encased in jelly and become a tasty dessert. Our product developers carefully taste everything and use their knowledge of the flavors and attributes of different fruits to analyze and test new products repeatedly to ensure that the special aroma and sweetness of each fruit is captured and presented wonderfully in the dessert.

Tomohide Inoshita
Development Section,
Tarami Corporation
To bring our customers new ways of enjoying fruit, we carry out market taste research on all kinds of fruit-containing foods and conduct trial production before deciding on what we should commercialize. We keep a stock of nascent ideas for products in anticipation of specific customer needs so that when the time comes we are quickly able to give form to the idea and deliver a product that exceeds expectations.
We are currently working to extend the public's acceptance of jelly as more than simply a dessert. We want people to see jelly as a healthy item that is an essential part of one's daily food intake. With an endless interest, we are on a quest to understand the special characteristics of each fruit to help us deliver products that customers find both healthy and delicious.