Our concepts and priority goals regarding environmental considerations
Our concepts and priority goals regarding environmental considerations
Helping achieve a decarbonized society and a recycling-oriented society
Under the DyDo Group’s corporate philosophy “Creating happiness and prosperity, together with people and with society,” DyDo DRINCO aims to realize a sustainable society so that we can pass on the beautiful earth to future generations.
For the realization of a sustainable society, it is necessary to work toward decarbonizing society and helping achieve a recycling-oriented society through the effective use of resources.
Global warming is an issue that should be addressed throughout the entire supply chain, from manufacturing to logistics and marketing. We are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through our business in an effective manner.
For plastic pollution, it is required to achieve bottle-to-bottle recycling in which raw materials are extracted from used plastic bottles and reused to make new ones. For this purpose, the creation of a system that enables the stable collection of quality plastic bottles is an important task for the beverage industry.
DyDo DRINCO is mainly involved in the vending machine business, having been working on increasing the efficiency of operations and other business processes and improving the energy-saving efficiency of our vending machines. We believe that our operational ability, which is one of our strengths, enables us to achieve a high level of quality in not only marketing products but also collecting used plastic bottles and other containers. Meanwhile, with regard to the service life extension of vending machines, which is a challenge to be addressed in terms of the effective use of steel resources, we boast about the highest level of achievement in the industry through, for example, the deployment of Frontier Vendors* in the market.
While continuing to further our existing initiatives, we aim to realize a sustainable society by, together with our employees and other stakeholders, helping achieve a decarbonized society and a recycling-oriented society at important points in the supply chain.
*: vending machines with extended service life (through maintenance and replacement of units) and additional functions
CO2 emission reduction targets to enable us to help achieve a decarbonized society
CO2 emission reduction targetBy 2030 Achieve carbon nutrality in our own domestic beverage business emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) *
- * Total CO2 emissions from DyDo DRINCO, DyDo Beverage Service, Inc., and DyDo Business Service
CO2 emission reduction targetBy 2050 We will aim to make our vending machine business carbon neutral (for both direct emissions and emissions from generating the electricity the machines use*).
- * CO2 emissions produced by vending machines operated by DyDo Beverage Service, Inc. (Scope 3)
CO2 emission reduction targetBy 2030 Cut CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) for major Japanese group subsidiaries*1 by half*2 (compared to 2020)
- *1: Total CO2 emissions from DyDo DRINCO, DyDo Beverage Service, Inc., and DyDo Business Service, DAIDO Yakuhin (Pharmaceutical-related Business), TARAMI Corporation
- *2: Calculated based on the sales intensity(Target group companies’ total CO2 emissions divided by total sales)
* DyDo Beverage Service, Inc. absorbed Asahi Beverage Sales Co., Ltd. on January 21, 2025, and changed its name to DyDo Asahi Vending, Inc.
Image of CO2 emission reduction at DyDo DRINCO
As a company responsible for the domestic beverage business, which is the core business of the DyDo Group, DyDo DRINCO employs the fabless business model, in which manufacturing and logistics are outsourced to outside partner companies, devoting its management resources to product development and also to the development and operation of vending machines, in other words, the main markets for our products.
The vending machine segment of our domestic beverage business (DyDo DRINCO) is responsible for the greater part of the DyDo Group’s total CO2 emissions. Therefore, we believe that it is a top-priority issue in terms of climate change to push forward with our initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality in the vending machine business.
Priority goals to help achieve a recycling-oriented society

Empty-container collection rate: collection implemented in collaboration with other companies is included
Calculation basis: weight of the relevant containers collected / weight of the relevant containers shipped
Relevant containers: plastic bottles, glass bottles, aluminum cans and steel cans

* plant-based or recycling based materials

The SDG targets related to our efforts on this page: