DyDo Group Holdings

Privacy Policy

The DyDo Group (hereinafter, the "Group") has established and will carry out activities in accordance with the following privacy policy in order to respect the importance and ensure thorough protection of all personal information and specific personal information (which refers to Individual Numbers and personal information containing Individual Numbers; hereinafter collectively with personal information, "Personal Information, etc.") that are handled by the Group.

*1 In this Privacy Policy, the Group shall mean DyDo Group Holdings, Inc., DyDo DRINCO, Inc., Dynamic Vending Network, Inc., DyDo Asahi Vending, Inc., Kyushu Asahi Soft Drink Sales, Ltd., Michinoku, Inc., DyDo Asahi Vending, Inc., DAIDO Yakuhin (Pharmaceutical-related Business), TARAMI Corporation, and DyDo DRINCO International, INC.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Concerning the Protection of Personal Information, etc.

The Group shall comply with laws and regulations, internal rules, and other norms concerning Personal Information, etc.

2. Acquisition, etc. of Personal Information

When handling Personal Information, etc., the Group shall specify the purpose of use wherever possible, and acquire such information by fair means. Unless permitted by laws and regulations, the acquired Personal Information, etc. shall be used only within the scope of the purpose of use, and measures shall be taken to ensure that such information is not used for any other purpose or in an improper manner.

Regarding the purpose of use of personal information by the Group, please see the matters disclosed pursuant to the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter, "Disclosed Matters").

3. Ensuring the Security of Personal Information, etc.

The Group shall strive to keep Personal Information, etc. accurate and up-to-date within the scope of the purpose of use, and shall take reasonable security and corrective measures against unauthorized access to, or loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of Personal Information, etc.

The Group may entrust the handling of Personal Information, etc. to a third party. In such a case, the Group shall appropriately select the party to be entrusted, conclude the required agreements, and perform necessary and proper supervision, such as monitoring the status of its handling of Personal Information, etc.

Regarding the security control measures for personal information by the Group, please see the Disclosed Matters.

4. Provision of Personal Information, etc.

Unless permitted by laws and regulations, the Group shall not disclose or provide personal information to any third party without the consent of the subject person of the information, and shall not disclose or provide specific personal information to any third party other than the entrusted party, except in the case of business permitted by laws and regulations. Regarding the details, please see the Disclosed Matters.

5. Disclosure, Correction, etc. of Retained Personal Data

The Group shall respond appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations to requests from the subject person or his/her representative for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of retained personal data. Regarding the details, please see the Disclosed Matters.

6. Continuous Improvement for the Protection of Personal Information, etc.

The Group shall establish an internal system for the protection of Personal Information, etc. through employee training and other means, and strive for its continuous improvement. Any revisions to this Privacy Policy or the Disclosed Matters shall be notified by public announcement of the details of such revisions.

7. Responding to Inquiries

For inquiries or requests related to this Privacy Policy or other matters concerning the handling of Personal Information, etc., please see the Disclosed Matters.

Last revised: January 21, 2025