Message from the President

The DyDo Group strives to enhance its corporate value based on the philosophy, "Creating happiness and prosperity, together with people and with society. To achieve this goal, the DyDo Group will continue to embrace new challenges in a dynamic way".
The roots of our group can be traced back to the "use first, pay later" medicine business that we started shortly after World War II. From there, the core business of the Group has shifted from manufacturing medicines and drinkable preparations to its current form of selling canned coffee from vending machines. We believe that our business model of "selling what customers want at the place closest to them" is our strength and the role we should play in society. Today, in addition to DyDo DRINCO, which sells its mainstay coffee brand "DyDo blend" mainly through vending machines, DAIDO Pharmaceutical, which is in charge of contract manufacturing of drinkable preparations, and Tarami, which boasts the overwhelming top share in the fruit jelly market, we have also developed our International Beverage Business in Turkey and other countries since 2016, and the breadth of our business is expanding.
In recent years, the business environment surrounding our group has changed dramatically. In order to respond to the drastic changes in the business environment and achieve sustainable growth and mid- to long-term corporate value enhancement, we believe it is necessary to look a little further into the future and clarify what role the DyDo Group should play in society. Therefore, in January 2019, we formulated the Group Mission 2030 "For DyDo Group to create enjoyable, healthy lifestyles for people around the world" as our ideal vision for 2030, and we are working toward sustainable growth and mid- to long-term enhancement of corporate value.
Based on the spirit of creating happiness and prosperity together, all group employees will continue to dynamically take on challenges as one to enhance corporate value, while utilizing stakeholders' voices in management.
DyDo Group Holdings, Inc.