DyDo Group Holdings


Board of Directors

President and Representative Director
Tomiya Takamatsu
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 2004:Joined the Company.
  • April 2008:Appointed Director at the Company.
  • April 2009:Appointed Managing Director at the Company.
  • March 2010:Appointed Executive Director at the Company.
  • April 2012:Appointed Vice President and Director at the Company.
  • April 2014:Appointed President and Representative director (incumbent) at the Company.
reason for nomination
Since his appointment to the position of president in April 2014, Mr. Takamatsu has demonstrated strong leadership by managing the Company with rapid, decisive decision-making in line with its medium- and long-term management posture based on the perspective of all stakeholders and in keeping with the newly formulated Group Philosophy and Group Vision.
He has been steadily working to build business foundations geared to achieving growth in the future which has involved strengthening the Group’s management. Based on this proven track record, he is considered to be qualified for service on the Board of Directors.
Director and Corporate Officer
Naoki Tonokatsu
Profile and reason for nomination
  • March 1986:Joined the Company.
  • January 2011:Appointed General Manager of the Financial Affairs Department.
  • March 2013:Appointed Corporate Officer and Division Director of the Administrative Division.
  • January 2014:Appointed Corporate Officer and Division Director of the Finance Division.
  • January 2017:Appointed Corporate Officer and General Manager of the Finance Department.
  • April 2017:Appointed Director and Corporate Officer and General Manager of Finance Department (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Since joining the Company, Mr. Tonokatsu has engaged in finance for many years and has extensive experience and achievements. Currently, as the Director, Corporate Officer, and General Manager of Finance Department, he is putting effort into sound company management such as by building a solid structure for the entire Group’s financial base and contributing to improving profitability.Based on this proven track record, he is considered to be qualified for service on the Board of Directors.
Director and Executive Officer of Corporate Strategy and Internal Control
Naoyuki Nishiyama
Profile and reason for nomination
  • March 1988:Joined the company.
  • January 2014:Appointed General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department.
  • February 2014:Appointed General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department and General Manager of the International Business Department.
  • March 2015:Appointed Corporate Officer, General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department, and General Manager of the International Business Department.
  • January 2016:Appointed Corporate Officer, General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department, and General Manager of the Strategic Investment Department.
  • January 2017:Appointed Corporate Officer and General Manager of the Corporate Strategy Department.
  • April 2017:Appointed Director and Corporate Officer and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Department.
  • January 2025:Appointed Director and Executive Officer of Corporate Strategy and Internal Control (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Mr. Nishiyama has engaged in a wide range of duties covering overall management such as corporate strategy, strategic investment, and international business and IT, and has extensive experience and achievements. He is leading Group companies as the Director, Corporate Officer, and General Manager of Corporate Strategy Department and pursuing initiatives to expand into new business domains. Based on this proven track record, he is considered to be qualified for service on the Board of Directors.
Independent Outside Director
Masataka Inoue
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 1978:Joined Nakano Sumise Co., Ltd.
  • July 2005:Appointed Director at Mizkan Group Corporation.
  • May 2007:Appointed Managing Director at Mizkan Group Corporation.
  • October 2009:Appointed Full-time Corporate Auditor at Mizkan Group Corporation.
  • March 2011:Appointed Divisional manager in charge of the Management Auditing Office at Mizkan Group Corporation.
  • March 2014:Appointed Divisional Manager in charge of the Business Planning Division at Mizkan Group Corporation.
  • April 2016:Appointed Director of the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Mr. Inoue has a wealth of knowledge and overseas experience in the food industry. Based on his auditing experience in areas such as business development through overseas M&As and overseas subsidiaries, he is appropriately carrying out his role in strengthening the oversight function of the Board of Directors by commenting with respect to his viewpoint on risk and returns in the course of deliberations concerning such management issues of the Company as accelerated development of the Company’s business overseas and expanding into new business domains, and otherwise offering advice and suggestions from an independent perspective. Based on this proven track record, he is considered to be qualified for service as an Outside Director on the Board of Directors.
Independent Outside Director
Michiaki Kurihara
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 1982:Joined Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (currently Astellas Pharma Inc.)
  • October 2004:Deputy Division Director of Sales Division, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • April 2006:General Manager, Asia Business Planning, Corporate Strategy Division,Astellas Pharma Inc. (concurrently served as President and CEO of Astellas Pharma Hong Kong Co., Ltd.,Director of Astellas Pharma China, Inc., Director of Astellas Pharma Korea, Inc. and Director of Astellas Pharma (Thailand) Co., Ltd.)
  • April 2009:General Manager of Sales Promotion Department, Asia Business Division, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • June 2010:Director and Vice President, Santen Pharmaceutical Korea Co., Ltd.
  • Noveber 2013:General Manager of Planning External Affairs Department, IMS Japan K.K. (currently IQVIA Solutions Japan K.K.) .
  • April 2021:Appointed Director of the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Mr. Kurihara has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Based on his experience in the pharmaceutical industry in Japan and management experience at overseas subsidiaries, the Company has judged that he has appropriately carrying his role to further strengthen the oversight function of the Board of Directors and offered advice and suggestions from an independent perspective on the Company’s management issues, such as overseas business development and the establishment of a second pillar in the healthcare field. Based on this proven track record,he is considered to be qualified for service as an Outside Director on the Board of Directors.
Independent Outside Director
Junko Kawano
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 1986:Joined Recruit Co., Ltd.
  • January 1997:Editor-in-chief of Recruit’s Travail recruitment information magazine.
  • April 2006:Team Leader of Recruit’s Women’s Life and Career Research Team (concurrent role).
  • July 2008: Joined Sumitomo Corporation.
  • April 2013:Director at Japan Active Solutions (concurrent role).
  • April 2018:Established Kawano Junko Office (incumbent).
  • September 2019:Joined the School Board at Tokyo International Progressive School (incumbent).
  • April 2020:Senior Researcher at the Keio Research Institute at SFC (incumbent).
  • June 2021:Outside Director at Joshin Denki Co., Ltd. (incumbent).
  • December 2021:Director and Chief Marketing Officer at Life Shift Japan Co., Ltd. (incumbent).
  • April 2022:Appointed Director of the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Ms. Kawano has a wealth of knowledge and experience in human resources development, including consistent involvement in organizational culture reform to emphasize customer value and the promotion of the advancement of women. She is appropriately carrying out her role in strengthening the oversight function of the Board of Directors and offering advice and suggestions from an independent perspective on the promotion of human resources strategy and diversity, which form the foundation of the Group’s human capital management.
Independent Outside Director
Mina Ito
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 1990:Joined Seiko Epson Corporation.
  • June 1996:Joined Baker & McKenzie.
  • January 2020:Special Counsel, Baker & McKenzie (incumbent).
  • May 2020:Established ZENMONDO Co., Ltd. CEO, Representative Director (incumbent).
  • June 2020:Outside Corporate Auditor, C’BON COSMETICS Co., Ltd. (incumbent).
  • June 2021:Outside Director of the Board (Member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), KPP GROUP HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
  • June 2022:Outside Director of the Board, KPP GROUP HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (incumbent).
  • April 2024:Appointed Director of the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Ms. Ito is well versed in all aspects of corporate legal affairs as an international lawyer, and has extensive experience in global business strategy (Middle East) and management support, as well as a proven track record as a corporate manager. The Company has judged that she will be able to further strengthen the oversight function of the Board of Directors by offering advice and suggestions from an independent perspective on the overall management of the Group and the promotion of international business strategies.

Corporate Auditors

Full-time Corporate Auditor
Naokazu Hasegawa
Profile and reason for nomination
  • March 1986:Joined the Company.
  • January 2011:General Manager of Corporate Planning Department, the Company.
  • November 2011:General Manager of Corporate Planning Department and General Manager of Market Development Department, the Company.
  • June 2012:General Manager of Corporate Planning Department and General Manager of International Business Department, the Company.
  • March 2013:Corporate Officer, Division Director of Business Strategy Division, the Company.
  • January 2014:Corporate Officer, Division Director of Corporate Communication Division, the Company.
  • January 2019:Corporate Officer, General Manager of Corporate Communication Department, the Company.
  • January 2023:Corporate Auditor Office, the Company.
  • April 2023:Appointed Full-time Corporate Auditor, the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Mr. Hasegawa has engaged in a wide range of duties covering overall management such as corporate planning, market development, international business and healthcare business, and has extensive experience and achievements. As General Manager of the Corporate Communications Department, he has been engaged in dialogue with shareholders and other stakeholders for many years.
Based on the above, the Company has judged that he is capable of fairly and efficiently conducting audits of the execution of duties by Directors, and he is considered to be qualified for service as a Corporate Auditor.
Outside Corporate Auditor
Shigeyuki Moriuchi
Profile and reason for nomination
  • Octber 1982:Joined Price Waterhouse Certified Public Accountants Office.
  • July 1998:Senior Partner, Aoyama Audit Corporation.
  • October 2005:Director and Senior Partner, ChuoAoyama Audit Corporation.
  • May 2007:Senior Partner, Kasumigaseki Audit Corporation (currently Grant Thornton Taiyo LLC).
  • January 2010:Managing Partner, Kasumigaseki Audit Corporation.
  • November 2015:Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), KOSHIDAKA HOLDINGS Co., LTD. (incumbent).
  • December 2016:Outside Corporate Auditor, KATO SANGYO CO., LTD.
  • April 2019:Outside Corporate Auditor, the Company (incumbent).
  • August 2022:Established Certified Public Accountant and Certified Tax Accountant Shigeyuki Moriuchi Office (incumbent).
  • September 2022:Adviser, Grant Thornton Taiyo LLC.
reason for nomination
Mr. Shigeyuki Moriuchi has gained longstanding auditing experience at a major accountants office and a major audit corporation, and he has business experience in a wide range of areas including legal auditing operations, international operations, IPO support and has extensive insight as an accounting specialist. The Company therefore wishes for such expertise to be reflected in the Company’s auditing and has put him in the position of Outside Corporate Auditor.
Outside Corporate Auditor
Kiyoshi Watanabe
Profile and reason for nomination
  • February 1997:Registered as a certified tax accountant.
  • July 1997:Established Kiyoshi Watanabe Certified Tax Accountant Office (incumbent).
  • April 2019:Outside Corporate Auditor, the Company (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Mr. Kiyoshi Watanabe has gained longstanding practical experience as a certified tax accountant and a management consultant, and he has extensive insight as a tax accounting specialist. The Company therefore wishes for such expertise to be reflected in the Company’s auditing and has put him in the position of Outside Corporate Auditor.
Outside Corporate Auditor
Mayumi Ishihara
Profile and reason for nomination
  • April 1986:Appointed as a court secretary, Kobe District Court.
  • April 1997:Registered as an attorney with the Osaka Bar Association.
  • April 1997:Joined OH-EBASHI LPC & PARTNERS.
  • June 2010:Outside Director, Nitta Gelatin Inc.
  • June 2013:Unaffiliated Audit and Supervisory Board Member, Morishita Jintan Co., Ltd.
  • February 2016:Outside Director, MORITO CO., LTD. (incumbent).
  • April 2016:Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), OS Co., Ltd.
  • June 2016:Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), H2O RETAILING CORPORATION (incumbent).
  • June 2018:Unaffiliated Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member), Morishita Jintan Co., Ltd. (incumbent).
  • April 2024:Outside Corporate Auditor, the Company (incumbent).
  • January 2025:Joined Umeda Sogo Law Office (incumbent).
reason for nomination
Ms. Ishihara has long-standing experience as an attorney and a high level of discernment as a legal expert. She also has profound insight with respect to corporate management, gained through her experience as Outside Director at various companies (including being an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member).

Corporate Officers

Corporate Officer, General Manager of HR & General Affairs Division
Akikazu Hamanaka
Corporate Officer, General Manager of International Business Management Department
Mamoru Mitamura
Corporate Officer
Takanori Nakashima
Corporate Officer
Makoto Miyachi
Corporate Officer
Yutaka Wada