DyDo Group Holdings

Group Mission 2030

The spirit of striving to achieve happiness and prosperity together, one that we have carefully crafted over the years since we first opened our doors and which has become an integral part of our corporate culture itself, is also in line with the principle of the SDGs of “leaving no one behind”. Through our business activities, the DyDo Group will contribute to the aim of the SDGs to create a sustainable society.

The business environment in which we find ourselves is going through significant and rapid changes. We developed our Group Mission 2030—“For DyDo Group to create enjoyable, healthy lifestyles for people around the world”—in January 2019, based on our belief that we should not think about what we do as an extension of our operations in the past, but instead look a little further ahead at where we want to be in the future so that the DyDo Group can contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and continue to grow in this changing environment.

Of these changes, the one that will have the greatest impact on the business models is Japan's changing demographics. As the population ages and lives longer, people's awareness of the need for a healthy lifestyle is expected to rise. We believe that our mission is to provide value to people so that they can lead healthy lifestyles. In order to achieve this, we have specified the ideal image and direction of our Group for each of the four themes and drawn up a roadmap to achieve this.

The global spread of COVID-19 since early 2020, along with the global inflation triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, is having a drastic impact on the very nature of society. While we have not changed our vision of what we want to be, we will reframe these major social changes as opportunities to further accelerate the efforts we have made to date. We will focus on three basic policies: "Innovation in the Domestic Beverage Business," "Expansion of the Business Overseas," and "Development of a Second Major Source of Revenue in the Non-Beverage Businesses." By doing so, we aim to improve medium- to long-term profitability and growth, while also addressing the eight material issues that are critical management challenges. Our goal is to achieve Group Mission 2030.

For DyDo Group to create enjoyable, healthy lifestyles for people around the world

Together with our customers.
Nurturing our customers' health
We will deliver products and services that help improve health and quality of life for our customers around the world, in a tireless quest for delicious taste.
Together with society.
Taking the lead in social reform
We will take the lead in social reform, going beyond conventional wisdoms to adopt new perspectives for achieving a sustainable society.
Together with the next generation.
Creating new value for future generations
We will take advantage of innovative technologies, bringing surprise and delight to all of our stakeholders.
Together with our people.
Connecting people to people
We will seek out new ways to form mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders, both old and new, within and outside the company, working flexibly with them and respecting the diversity of their values and abilities.

Material Issues

We chose these eight material issues to help us get to where, and what, we want to be in 2030.

  • Deliver products that are delicious for mind and body

  • Pursue quality for products that offer safety and peace of mind

  • Deliver new drugs of great significance to society

  • Contribute to a decarbonized, recycling-oriented society

  • Create societal value through the vending machine business

  • Promote DX and form a Solid IT Foundation

  • Strengthen corporate governance

  • Achieve work-life synergy for employees and promote diversity

  • Together with our customers.
    Nurturing our customers' health
    We will deliver products and services that help improve health and quality of life for our customers around the world, in a tireless quest for delicious taste.
  • Together with
    Taking the lead in social reform
    We will take the lead in social reform, going beyond conventional wisdom to adopt new perspectives for achieving a sustainable society.
  • Together with the next generation.
    Creating new value for future generations
    We will take advantage of innovative technologies, bringing surprise and delight to all of our stakeholders.
  • Together with our people.
    Connecting people to people
    We will seek out new ways to form mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders, both old and new, within and outside the company, working flexibly with them and respecting the diversity of their values and abilities.
For DyDo Group to create enjoyable,
healthy lifestyles for people around the world
Process of Identifying Materiality

Key Performance Indicators

We have established the key performance indicators to be achieved by 2030 in terms of social value, environmental value, and economic value.

Social valueWe will contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society where people around the world can have enjoyable, healthy lifestyles

For DyDo Group to create enjoyable,
healthy lifestyles for people around the world

Environmental valueWe will aim to make our vending machine business carbon neutral by 2050
(for both direct emissions and through generating the electricity the machines use*1)

We will aim to make emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by the Domestic Beverage Business*2 carbon neutral by 2030
We will aim to cut CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) for major Japanese group subsidiaries*3 by half*4 compared to 2020 levels by 2030

  • *1 CO2 emissions produced by vending machines operated by DyDo Beverage Service (Scope 3)
  • *2 DyDo DRINCO, DyDo Beverage Service, and DyDo Business Service
  • *3 DyDo DRINCO, DyDo Beverage Service, and DyDo Business Service, DAIDOYakuhin, TARAMI Corporation
  • *4 By sales
  • * DyDo Beverage Service, Inc. absorbed Asahi Beverage Sales Co., Ltd. on January 21, 2025, and changed its name to DyDo Asahi Vending, Inc.
Economic valueWe will aim to improve our corporate value in the medium to long term

Consolidated ROIC in FY2029 8% or higher
*Before application of hyperinflation accounting
*Invested capital is the amount put into in the business segments

Basic policy

To achieve the goals of Group Mission 2030, we have set three basic policies. While optimizing our business portfolio, we aim to improve profitability and growth potential over the medium-to-long term.
*The target ROIC values are before application of hyperinflation accounting

  • ROIC
    • FY2026
    • FY2029
  • Innovation in the Domestic Beverage Business Oparating core DyDo Group businesses by ensuring they play a more useful and immediate role in daily life based on changes in the times and diversifying customer needs 4% 17%
  • Expansion of the Business Overseas Boosting overseas sales to 20% or more of all Group sales by offering delicious products for sound mind and body worldwide 13% 5%
  • Development of a Second Major Source of Revenue in the Non-Beverage Businesses Identifying the health care market as a growth sector, developing new markets that transcend the barriers between medicine and food, and building businesses in the health care segment that integrate closely with existing businesses so that they can serve as a second major source of revenue 0% 17%


In "Group Mission 2030," the period from 2019 to 2030 is divided into three stages: the " Platform-Strengthening and Investment Stage," the "Growth Stage," and the "Achievement Stage."

During the "Platform-Strengthening and Investment Stage" from fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2021, we focused on reversing the declining trend in the number of vending machines, which is our core business, and improving the profitability of existing businesses by enhancing the efficiency of vending machine operations in preparation for future labor shortages. In the Pharmaceutical-Related Business, which involves contract manufacturing of health drinks, we invested in a new manufacturing plant for health drinks and established a new production line for pouched products to expand our contract manufacturing capabilities. Additionally, we entered the Orphan Drug Business for rare diseases as a new business area, focusing on growth investments in various group businesses.

In the "Growth Stage," which began in fiscal 2022, we are leveraging the strengthened foundation to make significant strides in the next stage. In our main Domestic Beverage Business, we are making upfront investments such as expanding smart operations* and implementing strategic cost reforms to address the profitability deterioration caused by recent cost increases, aiming to establish a solid competitive advantage in the vending machine market. In our International Beverage Business, centered on Turkey and Poland, we are capturing growing domestic demand and strengthening our production system for further growth. To ensure sustainable growth in the future, we will continue to strengthen and nurture our revenue base in non-beverage businesses by developing new product categories and improving production efficiency.

*Our term for a vending machine operation system that achieves efficiency through the use of digital technology.
  • 2019
  •  [Profit image]
    Business as usual
    Decline in profit due to investment strategy
  • Platform-strengthening and investment stage
    Growth stage
    Achievement stage
  • (From FY2019 to FY2021)
    (From FY2022 to FY2026)
    (From FY2027 to FY2029)
Mid term Business Plan 2026

Resolving social issues through our businesses: Initiatives to address ESG issues

The DyDo Group has grown together through mutually beneficial relationships with the stakeholders around us. As the pace of change rushes on, we believe that it is now time for us to take this close and direct relationship with our stakeholders and extend that spirit beyond to other areas to allow us to continue to grow in a sustainable way.

We aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by using our strengths to find solutions to the challenges that society faces and will strive to continue to grow together with our stakeholders in the next 50 and 100 years into the future.

DyDo Group SDGs Declaration