Domestic Beverage Business
Corporate Fields of the DyDo Group
Under our Brand Message, “Offering delicious products for sound mind and body”, the unique business models in each corporate field of the DyDo Group generate a stable cash flow. We believe that our distinctive business models and solid financial base backed by a healthy cash flow offer our Group a competitive edge and provide the resources that will help us achieve new growth in the future as we promote an aggressively dynamic form of management.

International Beverage Business
We are expanding out into the beverage markets of Turkey,Poland and Chaina, with the aim of achieving dramatic growth in our top lines.

Pharmaceutical-Related Business
We are engaged in the research, development and manufacturing of energy drinks and pouch products, and have developed this as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) business.DAIDO Pharmaceutical corporation is the top OEM manufacturer, handling everything from pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs to soft drinks.

Food Business
With its high profile and branding, Tarami holds an overwhelmingly large share of the market for fruit dessert jelly.